by georgia hartmann
Women’s Health Expert
Its been 4 weeks since my emergency cesarean section. Here’s what I’ve learnt –
Get up and get moving!
Its important to get up and get moving as soon as you can! Yes, your brain will tell you otherwise but when you stand tall with your back straight and chin up and take short walks around your room, you feel so much better for it. Movement also supports blood flow and reduces the risk of clotting.
Fart! And Burp!
Shoulder and rib pain in the hours and days after birth can be a sign of trapped gas. So fart! And burp! It’s the only relief. Peppermint water can help this process.
Set up your space
Once you’re home, set the lounge up and get a trolley that is stocked with nappies, wipes, baby clothes, muslin cloths, a full water bottle and any supplements and medication. Because it’s so hard to sit up and twist, having a fully stocked trolley at arms reach will help while you’re feeding and nursing. (I purchased a three-tier from Kmart which has worked wonders)
Pee every two hours
Pee every two hours to retrain your bladder after having a catheter in – particularly if it is feeling quite heavy when you urinate.
Apply heat
Apply heat to your belly. Have a hot water bottle or heat pack on the cesarean wound when you’re feeding or laying on the lounge.
Expect Hormonal Changes
Remember that hormonal changes that usually occur between days 3-5 can take place a little later after a cesarean. With shifts in oestrogen and progesterone, you can expect to feel waves of sadness, overwhelm, anxiety and low mood. You may not experience any of these but if you do and its between days 3-7 know that it’s purely hormonal and it will pass. Lean on your support network.
Rest while the baby sleeps
Rest when baby sleeps. I have called on my mum to entertain Otto (our almost 2-year-old) during the day while I rest.
Get expert advice
Consult with one of our naturopaths to get a recovery plan in place. There are specific nutrients and supplements to take to support tissue repair, breastfeeding, energy, mood and reduce inflammation.

women’s health expert

by georgia hartman
Women’s Health Expert