Are you hypothyroid? Your metabolic health may be impaired

by georgia hartman

Women’s Health Expert

women’s  health expert

The thyroid is a butterfly-shaped gland that sits at the front of your throat. It has many effects on how well our bodies function, in particular our reproductive system and metabolic processes.

The thyroid regulates a wide array of metabolic parameters including insulin and cholesterol levels, blood pressure, and weight. 

What we know about the thyroid is that when it is (particularly) under functioning, known as hypothyroidism, it can cause many adverse metabolic effects.

Metabolic Effects Of a Hypothyroid

  • Insulin resistance – an impaired response of the body to insulin resulting in elevated levels of glucose and insulin in the blood (a key component of type 2 diabetes, metabolic syndrome and PCOS). [1]
  • Excess weight particularly around the waist – the relationship between weight and thyroid function is complex and bidirectional. What we know is that an underactive thyroid (hypothyroidism) can cause overweight and obesity. [2]
  • Increased cholesterol and LDL levels – thyroid hormones are the main regulator of lipid metabolism. Put simply, if the thyroid is underactive then cholesterol levels increase. This is associated with increased risk of plaque building up in the arteries, elevated homocysteine levels, and high blood pressure, all of which are markers of cardiovascular disease. [3]

So, what can you do?

The two biggest factors that affect thyroid function are poor stress management and indaequate sleep.

So get on top of your stress.


We know stress plays a major part in disease. So for the sake of our thyroid and metabolic health, seriously ask yourself: how is your stress? Do you need to quit your job; reduce your working hours; end draining relationships; exercise more; exercise less; finally attend that pottery class you’ve been dying to do try; create a nice morning routine; pick up your colouring pencils agan?

I personally noticed my thyroid at its worst when I was in a high-stress job. I wasn’t coping and I knew it. And no matter how many supplements I took, how much I meditated, nothing seemed to bring relief until I addressed the cause. So I quit my job. It was hard but it needed to be done.

...and sleep, like seriously sleep

Get in bed by 10pm and ensure you’re getting 8 hours. Every. Single. Night. If you find this difficult – here’s some quick tips:

  • Get off your devices (including Netflix) 1 hour before bed
  • Dim the lights in your room
  • Avoid caffeine after 10am
  • Exercise in the morning or at lunch, rather than in the evening
  • Obtain additional nutritional and herbal support

In most cases, nutritional and herbal supplementation is also required. Let’s get on top of your thyroid and metabolic health once and for all. Book your individualised one-on-one consultation right here.

I personally noticed my thyroid at its worst when I was in a high-stress job. I wasn’t coping and I knew it. And no matter how many supplements I took, how much I meditated, nothing seemed to bring relief until I addressed the cause. So I quit my job. It was hard but it needed to be done.

[1] Ding, X., et al. Subclinical Hypothyroidism in Polycystic Ovary Syndrome: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis. Frontiers in Endocrinology, 2018. 9. PMID: 30542323.

[2] Song, R-H., et al. The Impact of Obesity on Thyroid Autoimmunity and Dysfunction: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis. Frontiers in Immunology, 2019. 10. PMID: 31681268.

[3] Duntas, L.H. & Brenta, G. A Renewed Focus on the Association Between Thyroid Hormones and Lipid Metabolism. Frontiers in Endocrinology, 2018. 9. PMID: 30233497.

by georgia hartman

Women’s Health Expert

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